Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Prodromal Labor and Unmet Expectations

Prodromal Labor and Unmet Expectations Labors of Love Midwifery
1622 East North Street, Suite 8A
Greenville, SC 29607

By definition, the word prodromal means the symptoms one experiences before the onset of the actual condition. During pregnancy, prodromal labor will include symptoms of labor (ex: mild to strong contractions) that unfortunately aren’t progressing into a active, productive labor pattern or significantly dilating the cervix.

What Does Prodromal Labor feel like?
Unlike Braxton Hicks contractions that most women experience during the latter half of pregnancy, which are generally mild, irregular, sometimes on only one part of the uterus, and do not become longer, stronger and closer together and  can be stopped by rest, sleep, hydration and/or a warm bath or shower prodromal labor contractions feel more like labor contractions – they’re stronger and can’t be stopped by rest, sleep, hydration and/or a warm bath or shower. Prodromal labor contractions can be painful, in fact we often see pain out of proportion to the amount of dilation.  This can take its toll on couples emotionally. Your expectations are not being met and you may question if I’m feeling this way now, how will I be able to cope with active labor. The truth is once everything is properly aligned, and labor is progressing you will manage much better. Prodromal contractions are usually felt low in the abdomen and groin.

Prodromal Labor or Early Labor?
Prodromal labor is a variation of early labor.  The difference between prodromal labor and early labor is that the contractions of early labor most often start further apart and get longer, stronger and closer together but also dilate the cervix up to six centimeters. Prodromal labor may start with contractions strong and close together, but does not dilate the cervix.


The Emotional Side of Prodromal Labor

  • Confused-this is not what we prepared for and were taught in our childbirth class
  • Betrayed-why is my body not performing the way I thought it would
  • Tired- I have lost a full night's sleep, how will I be able to go on?
  • Fearful-will I be able to achieve my goals
  • Frustrated-I am ready for this baby to come, my caregivers are not helping me make this happen

Signs and Symptoms of Prodromal Labor
If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may be experiencing prodromal labor.

  • Timeable contractions
  • Contractions that are not getting longer, stronger and closer together
  • Contractions that are very, very slowly getting longer, stronger and closer together
  • Lack of significant cervical dilation
  • Contractions that continue despite rest, hydration, bath and/or a shower
  • Difficulty sleeping because of contractions
  • Stronger than Braxton-Hicks contractions


How Long will Prodromal Labor Last?
Prodromal labor can last for days but not weeks.Because rest is priority number one but also extremely difficult to achieve, some women find success with a warm bath and a glass of wine OR Tylenol PM. Rest always trumps “trying to be in labor” unless there are other conditions which need consideration

Does Prodromal Labor Dilate the Cervix?
Prodromal labor can sometimes change the cervix (soften it or move it from a posterior to an anterior position) but does not produce contractions that become longer, stronger and closer together enough to significantly dilate the cervix and deliver a baby.

How to Cope with Prodromal Labor?
It may not be what you were expecting, but it will not last forever. You are progressing towards the birth of your baby.

  • Be patient
  • Practice relaxation techniques and remind yourself this is a variation of normal
  • Distraction-watch a movie, go for a walk, play a game, read a novel
  • Meditation
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Positive affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Be intimate
  • Take a drive


Strategies to Overcome Prodromal Labor?
Most often, prodromal labor is a sign you and your baby are not aligned well. There is likely a restriction in a ligament, a subluxation in your spine or your pelvis has shifted as bit thereby not allowing the baby to have enough room to rotate into the birth outlet well. Two things are needed, good alignment and productive contractions.

As your midwife, I encourage you to spend your time and energy on resting, eating and drinking rather than on ways to speed up prodromal labor. However, the list below may be beneficial at the proper time.

  • Chiropractic
  • Acupuncture
  • The Miles Circuit
  • Spinning Babies
  • Nipple stimulation
  • Herbs
  • Castor Oil or Enema
  • Stripping Membranes


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